Ozzy Osbourne just announce his divorce…….

Ozzy Osbourne is seen in a lighthearted new commercial for a drink powder, inspired by its customers.

Death Dust – a new product from Liquid Death – offers flavored drinks aimed at healthier living, so the Black Sabbath icon’s history with drugs, and powders in particular, seemed a perfect match.

Liquid Death made the connection after online chats about the Death Dust range. As Classic Rock reported, the manufacturers were asked; “Can I snort it?” and responded: “Death Dust is best when mixed with 16-19oz of water or tea. Please do not attempt to snort Death Dust.”

“Best if with water, just okay if snorted,” a user replied. Another said: “I am not hearing a ‘no’.”

In the resulting ad, available below, Osbourne is seen in the back of a UV which pulls up just as two kids are preparing a drink of Death Dust. Harking back to his drug-taking years, Osbourne assumes they’re going to use it differently and warns them off, to their confusion.

“Take it from me – don’t snort that stuff!” he says. “Whatever you do, don’t try freebasing it… and never ever inject it.” The ad ends just as Osbourne is about to complete his explanation of what “boofing” a drug involves.

“Hey kids, Ozzy knows best,” Liquid Death commented in the style of real health advisories trying to connect with a younger demographic. “Take it from a guy who knows a thing or two about bad decisions: Liquid Death’s more intensely flavored Death Dust hydration powder is much safer when you mix it with water and drink it.”

Ozzy Osbourne’s Death Dust Commercial

2002 – Led Zeppelin, “Rock and Roll” (Cadillac)

It’s not often that Led Zeppelin makes their music available, so you know it’s gotta be good to get the stamp of approval. Here, we see a man sitting in an old-time train car with a visible ad for a Cadillac just outside his window. As the train pulls out of the station, more Cadillac ads adorn the walls to the point that it almost appears as a moving film as the train speeds up. Led Zeppelin’s “Rock and Roll” provides the perfect soundtrack for the freedom of the speeding car in motion. The hook here is that the evolution of the Cadillac vehicles play out with new vehicles speeding into motion until the train comes to a stop at a station with the man now in modern day and the tagline, “You could have seen it coming. Cadillac. Breakthrough.”

2003 – The Osbournes (Pepsi Twist)

Playing upon their reality show fame of the time, Ozzy Osbourne and his kids Jack and Kelly appear in a commercial for Pepsi Twist, a spin-off of the popular soft drink with a hint of lemon. The kids reveal their Pepsi’s aren’t exactly what meets the eye, pulling back the can cover to reveal the Pepsi Twist branding. After Ozzy calls them “bloody magicians,” the kids then reveal Scooby-Doo style that they’re not The Osbournes, but the Osmonds, with Donnie and Marie Osmond in ‘70s-style suits. This sends Ozzy over the edge, waking to find it was all a dream. Or was it? As Ozzy calls for Sharon in his bed, he turns to find The Brady Bunch’s Florence Henderson.
It’s Seattle in 1953 and a young Black child is eating a slice of pizza. On one corner he sees a Pepsi dispenser while a Coke dispenser sits on another corner. After some initial debate, the young boy decides on a Pepsi, pops the cap off the bottle, takes a drink and looks up to see a pawn shop with a guitar logo painted on the window. The hook is that the child was a young Jimi Hendrix, suggesting as the familiar guitar riffs of “Purple Haze” played that Hendrix’s life was changed for the better that day and we might not have had the guitar god if he had gone with a Coke. Burn!

2004: Pink, Britney Spears + Beyonce Cover Queen’s “We Will Rock You” (Pepsi)

It’s ancient Roman times, with the population gathered at the Colosseum to witness a battle. Enrique Iglesias is the ruler, sitting on his throne with a chest of ice cold Pepsi soft drinks as the three gladiator women are released to do battle. They just happen to be Beyonce, Britney Spears and Pink who whip the crowd (among which are Queen’s Brian May and Roger Taylor) into a frenzy with their stomp-clap beats, toss down their weapons and lead a sing-along of Queen’s “We Will Rock You.” An unsettled Enrique watches on as his Pepsi chest is moved by the beat of the song, eventually landing in the arena and projecting him out to do battle against a lion. The ladies then reward the crowd with ice-cold Pepsi.

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