News Now| unexpected announcement regarding Novak Djokovic

Hamad congratulations on winning the NexGen Finals a few weeks ago. Relive those moments, what was it like?
HAMAD: It was a very unique experience for me, something new. When we finished the match, when I hit that ace, I think I wasn’t aware of what I did for a couple of hours and then I was slowly starting to realise what I did. It was the best possible way to finish the year, especially that I did a couple of very, very tough matches before that. Being undefeated there and winning the tournament in that way, I think it was a big thing.

What does something like that do for your confidence? You’re so young – to win a big title like that, I guess in one sense it sets you up.
HAMAD: For sure it’s a very, very huge boost to my confidence especially coming into the new season with the five wins I got there. These are the top players under 21. I know I’m coming into the New Year with full confidence and for sure it helped me for the new season.

How do you stop yourself from maybe getting too confident, overconfident?
HAMAD: I think you always have to stay humble. You always need to know you have to work really, really hard to get where you want to be. Humble is the key; to stay humble through whatever happens, at all times. It doesn’t matter if you win the biggest tournament or the smallest, you have to stay humble and that’s it. That’s what keeps you well.

HAMAD: I’m very friendly. I love to make new friends. I’m pretty crazy in a positive way. I’m always up for some adventures with my friends. I always love to do something. Maybe it’s because we don’t get so much time to spend with our friends and family. I just want to do everything and go everywhere. I would say I am extremely positive guy off the court and always up for some crazy stuff along the way.

HAMAD: I love spending time with my family and friends, my girlfriend as well. Being without them for almost a whole year, it’s really tough and once you’re back home you want to see everyone. And whenever I’m home I’m not able to rest because I’m out all the time. I have such a big family, my sister has three kids, I’m also many times with them. I’ve had the girlfriend for three years, were also together. It’s tough for us once you’re back home everybody wants to see you and you want to see everyone and I’m just the type of guy to go out not to be at home. When I’m back to go out with friends and family. You mentioned it … I love watching movies I’m not a big music guy I’m not really into music, I love some other things and that’s it.

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