3 Times Keith Richards Hurled Some Serious Insults at Other English Musicians
The Rolling Stones’ Keith Richards has never been tight-lipped about his opinions, especially when it comes to his contemporaries. He’s even punched horizontally a few times at his fellow English musicians. Let’s look at just a few times Keith Richards hurled a few insults at other English musicians and bands!
Well, when you’re in a band with someone, a bit of ill will is often inevitable. Richards has said a lot of raw stuff about Jagger through the years, despite the two maintaining a brotherhood of sorts for decades and continuing to perform together.
We’ll just pick one instance where Richards had some biting words to say about Jagger. In his autobiography, Richards decided to mock Jagger’s… appendage.
“The idea of status quo to Anita [Pallenberg], in those days, was verboten,” said Richards in the book. “Everything must change. And we’re not married, we’re free, whatever. You’re free as long as you let me know what’s going on. Anyway, she had no fun with [Jagger’s] tiny todger. I know he’s got an enormous pair of balls, but it doesn’t quite fill the gap, does it?”
2. Elton John
Back in the 1980s, Richards made some pretty rude comments about Elton John’s song “I Don’t Wanna Go On With You Like That” where he more or less called John a poser. After the passing of Princess Diana, John performed “Candle In The Wind” as a tribute to his late friend. Richards’ comments were pretty rude considering the context.
“Yeah, it did jar a bit, songs for dead blondes,” said Richards of the song in 1997. “But he was a personal friend, after all. I’d find it difficult to ride on the back of something like that myself, but Reg is showbiz.”
Keith Richards had a few insults for other musicians often through the years. But in this instance, Mick Jagger joined in on the tirade. The two famous members of The Rolling Stones had some heavy criticism for Oasis back in the day. Richards famously called their music “crap”. Jagger said that Oasis was “obnoxious”.
However, Richards has changed his opinion of the Gallagher brothers in recent years. He spent New Year’s Eve with Noel in the tropics years ago, and the pair likely bonded over the difficulties of dealing with their bands’ frontmen.
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