The most successful people in the world have one thing in common: They’re great communicators. The ability to hold meaningful conversations with co-workers, bosses, friends or even strangers is one of the most powerful skills worth cultivating. Just look at Howard Stern, the SiriusXM radio host who has been credited as one of the best interviewers in media. While some might find his unapologetically abrasive and inappropriate tendencies unappealing, it’s hard to deny that he’s incredibly skilled at having insightful and engaging interviews
in fact, that skill alone has helped earn him a lofty $90 million a year, making him the highest-paid radio host, according to Forbes. At 65, Stern has hosted some of the most memorable interviews in history. In his best-selling new memoir, “Howard Stern Comes Again,” the radio host offers a deeply emotional look into how he’s refined his conversational style.
Despite having My narcissism, Stern acknowledges in the book that he’s made poor communication choices in the past. “I was an absolute maniac,” he writes. “My narcissism was so strong that I was incapable of appreciating what somebody else might be feeling.”
Stern says going to therapy transformed the way interacted with his guests, and it made him an even better communicator.
“I found myself changing my approach because I had experienced what it was like to have someone genuinely interested me,” says Stern. “It led me to think, You know, somebody else might actually have something to say. Let’s just sit here and listen and not make it all about you.”
He continues: “At first, not making it about me was difficult. I had to learn to say no to myself. Stop talking. Start listening. Let someone else shine and have a moment.”
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